林峻博士が中心となって行った複合クラスター化を利用した担持Ru-V触媒における金属/酸化物隣接サイトの高密度化に関する研究成果がACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 誌 (ACS)にAcceptされました。Our paper reporting High-density formation of metal/oxide interfacial catalytic active sites through hybrid clustering was accepted in ACS Catalysis (ACS).
「High-density formation of metal/oxide interfacial catalytic active sites through hybrid clustering」
Hayashi, Shun; Shishido, Tetsuya
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, . DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c02240
We developed a method for preparing catalysts based on hybrid clusters that formed high-density metal/oxide interfacial active sites. A Ru-V hybrid cluster, [{Ru(cym)}4V6O19](cym = p-cymene), was used as a precursor to prepare Ru-V catalysts. Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy(XAS) analyses revealed that composite nanoparticles of Ru and V were formed through hybrid clustering, while conventional co-impregnation of Ru and V afforded separate nanoparticles. The activity of the Ru-V catalysts towards N-alkylation of amines with alcohols depended on the mixing method (hybrid clustering > co-impregnation > physical mixing≈ pristine Ru). The formation mechanism of the composite nanoparticles from the hybrid cluster was revealed using in situ XAS analysis. Finally, we proposed a simple but efficient catalyst preparation method, based on in situ formation of hybrid cluster precursors combined with a conventional co-impregnation method.