蜂屋祐香君が中心となって行った担持Au触媒を用いたアリルエステルのアリル位ボリル化に関する研究成果がACS Catalysis 誌 (ACS)の表紙を飾りました。Our paper reporting efficient and versatile sp3 C-O bond borylation with a Au/TiO2 catalyst was highlighted as supplementary cover in ACS Catalysis (ACS).
「Practical Synthesis of Allyl, Allenyl and Benzyl Boronates through SN1'-Type Borylation under Heterogeneous Gold Catalysis」
Miura, Hiroki; Hachiya Yuka; Nishio, Hidenori; Fukuta, Yohei; Toyomasu, Tomoya; Kobayashi, Kosa, Masaki; Shishido, Tetsuya
ACS Catalysis, 2021, 11, 758-766. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c03771
[Featured on a supplementary journal cover on the journal's website]