斎藤瑞季君、相原健司君が中心となって行った担持WO3触媒の酸性質に対する担体の効果に関する研究成果がCatalysis Today誌 (Elsevier)にAcceptされました。Our paper reporting the generation mechanism of acid sites over supported WO3 catalysts was accepted in Catalysis Today (Elsevier).
「Brønsted Acid Property of Alumina-Based Mixed-Oxides-Supported Tungsten Oxide」
Saito, Mizuki; Aihara, Takeshi; Miura, Hiroki; Shishido, Tetsuya
Catalysis Today, 2021, 375, 1, 64-69. DOI:10.1016/j.cattod.2020.02.009
The effect of alumina-based supports (Al2O3, Al2O3-TiO2, Al2O3-ZrO2, SiO2-Al2O3, and SiO2) on the structure and acid properties of supported tungsten oxide catalysts was investigated. Among the tested supported tungsten oxide catalysts, WO3/Al2O3-TiO2 (Al2O3/TiO2 = 9, Al-Ti9) showed the highest activity for reactions catalyzed by Brønsted acid sites and the largest Brønsted acidity. Structural characterization revealed that Brønsted acid sites on WO3/Al-Ti9 were generated at the boundaries between domains of amorphous monolayer WO3 and Al2O3-TiO2 support and WO3/Al2O3 reported previously, and that Al2O3 and Al-Ti9 with a high density of Lewis acid and surface hydroxyl groups resulted in the formation of Brønsted acid sites. Crystalline WO3 species formed mainly on SiO2-Al2O3 and SiO2 with a low density of Lewis acid sites and a high density of surface hydroxyl groups. These results suggested that a high density of Lewis acid sites and surface hydroxyl groups are important factors to form amorphous WO3 monolayer domains and to generate Brønsted acid sites on alumina-based supports.